Flaming Pearl Mystery School


About Us

Sheila Guarnagia, M.Ac., L.Ac., FLAMING PEARL Beary Godmother 

Sheila has studied and worked as a research biologist, an acupuncturist and herbalist, and a teacher for over 30 years, regards herself as a Mystic, and is currently integrating Traditional Asian Medicine, Appalachian and Western Folk Herbalism, Sacred Geometry and Energy Medicine, Stone and Crystal Medicine, and Andean Nature Mysticism into an eclectic approach to wellness for all Beings. Soul Frequency Sessions are the expression of this integration, and it is her prayer that they provide good medicine for all who participate, humans and Nature Beings alike! 

April Ackerman, CBCP, PSYCH-K Facilitator, FLAMING PEARL Qi Goddess 

A certified Qi Gong and Tai Chi Instructor, April has been exploring and practicing in the world of energy healing for nearly two decades, most recently adding Psych-K and the study and application of Sacred Geometry to helping to bring healing to people and places. While respecting the lineages through which these wisdom paths flow, she blends these modalities into a unique medicine that is all her own. April’s mission is to hold space for the revelation of how one's own inner wisdom brings transformation, healing, and deep peace into the very heart of one's being. 

Traditions and Lineages 

woven together through direct experience with humility and respect

Chinese & Japanese Acupuncture

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Appalachian Folk Medicine

Traditional Western Vitalist Herbalism

Geomancy & Feng Shui


Energetic Space Harmonization & Balancing

Power Spot Location & Cultivation

Earth Acupuncture

Seasonal Observance & Celebrations

Irish & Celtic Wisdom Traditions

Oracle Divination

Shamanic Healing

Plant Medicine & Direct Experience 

Andean Nature Mysticism

Rituals for Sacred Reciprocity - Haywarikuy/Despacho

Qarpays/Sacred Transmissions via the Inka Cosmology

Embodiment & Movement

Ecstatic Dance


Qi Gong & Tai Chi Chuan 


A few of our favorite people... 

These links will take you to the pages of our esteemed teachers, colleagues, organizations, and educational materials. Please enjoy!

Sheila Guarnagia, M.Ac.,L.Ac., Holistic Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

​Ellen Kittredge

Callan Welder, L.Ac., MAOM  

Golden Threads Peruvian Textiles 

Juan & Ivan Nunez del Prado - Andean Spiritual Tradition and the process of individuation | Lecture by Juan Nunez del Prado 

Part 1   youtube video part 1

Part 2   youtube video part 2